Feel Thin Again with Abdominoplasty Published on May 19, 2016 by Jeff Kilpatrick
The way your body looks has a tremendous impact on your self-esteem. For women who have had children or undergone excessive weight gain or loss, the presence of excess skin below the belly button can have a dramatic negative effect. This leads to wearing clothes to hide the midriff and a refusal to wear bikinis or lingerie.
If you’ve been feeling unhappy with your stomach and the excess skin, there is hope. Dr. Russell B. Stokes of Pinehurst Surgical is proud to offer the abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck. This surgical procedure is able to help women and men regain the body they love and their self-confidence.
To learn more about what Dr. Stokes can do for you, contact us today to schedule your consultation. Insist on the best!