Facelift – Cosmetic Surgery Procedures
Treating your face to the very best of care is a great way to ensure that you preserve your looks. Aging can take a toll on your self-confidence as your skin begins to sag and make you look constantly tired, despite how you may actually feel. A facelift is a classic procedure that can help you turn back the clock.
A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure that treats the signs of aging around the face and neck. The procedure is always tailored to meet the needs of the patient but generally focuses on lifting sagging skin. The procedure works by removing excess skin and tightening the profile of the face. It requires experience and a special expertise to achieve natural-looking rejuvenation.
Consult with Dr. Jeff Kilpatrick, an experienced specialist, to learn more about the facelift.
Contact our office to schedule a consultation.