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Plastic Surgery Center Blog

Brow Lift

Brow Lift

Published on February 4, 2015 by Jeff Kilpatrick

A Brow Lift is a great way to improve a forehead that is sagging, has wrinkles, lines and creases that are making you appear older than you are or wish to be perceived. A drooping or heavy brow can not only prematurely age us, but make us look angry, sad or tired even when our face is in a neutral, resting position. Today there are a number of facial rejuvenation options on the market and some are more invasive than others. To find out what is going to be the best method to get you the results you want, you will need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kilpatrick. During your consultation Dr. Kilpatrick will examine your forehead, ask you about your goals, concerns and medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Brow Lifts are performed in either the traditional method or in a more minimally invasive (endoscopic) method. The incision is made in the hairline and the muscles above the eyes are altered to smooth liens and the raise the eyebrows, any excess skin is removed and the remaining skin closed to create a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Sometimes patients may opt to combine the Brow Lift procedure with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as an Eyelid Lift or Facelift for optimal results.

Ready to start a conversation about your options? Contact our office to schedule your consultation today.

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Pinehurst Surgical Plastic Surgery Center

300 Pavilion Way Suite 104

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